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In our quest to live a healthy life, we spend a lot of money and time searching for a magic cure. I will admit there are a lot of temporary fixes, but none of them are magic or sustainable. Our world now demands immediate results. Sorry, our bodies aren’t an app we can download to our phone. While the opportunities to help us get healthy have changed, the ability to practice good health has not. It. Takes. Work.

No Suffering Involved

But, there are easy ways to be healthy. We don’t have to suffer. I promise.

No suffering is necessary when getting healthy.

 Common Sense Rules

As Fiercely50ish women, I think we are pretty attuned to our bodies. We in our heart of hearts know that if we eat the bag of chocolate chip cookies, that we may have hidden from the rest of our family members, it will show up somewhere. That somewhere can be our chin, hips, or on the scale.

I am going to offer up some really easy ways to be healthy. Most of them are free. Consistency is the focus and when you can do these ridiculously simple things, you’ll be amazed at what can happen.

10 Fiercely50ish Easy Ways To Be Healthy

  1. Stop feeling sorry for yourself: Yep, you. I’m sorry to tell you this, but nobody remembers what you looked like in high school, ten years ago or even last week. Today is all we got, sistahs. Make it count. Decide to feel good.

There are easy ways to be healthy. Feeling sorry for yourself isn't one of them.

2.Add water: I am the worst offender of this. Water is our friend. I am not going to tell you how much water to drink, just asking to include it in your daily beverage intake. I have a glass on my nightstand and I am truly in awe of how much better it makes me feel, day and night. I don’t do the fancy types, but whatever works, D-R-I-N-K up!

3.Take the stairs: Challenge yourself to take the stairs instead of an escalator or elevator. Climbing one or two flight of stairs is good for us. Clarification, I mean going up the stairs. Your reward for doing that is coming down the same steps.

Taking the stairs is an easy way to get healthy.

4. Eat slower: Do you know how long it takes you to eat a meal?  Shoving food in quickly doesn’t serve anybody well. Enjoy. Every. Bite. My rule of thumb is to take at least 15 minutes to savor your meal.

5. Sleep: Seriously, our sleep habits are very important to our health. We need sleep. I’ll skip the scientific reasons for this. If you can keep a consistent sleep schedule, it will really do wonders for your health. Who doesn’t feel tremendous after a good night’s slumber?

Sleep is a great way to be healthy.

6. Eat three squares: Not squares of chocolate, three square meals. Our bodies need fuel and skipping meals isn’t doing any of us any good. Yes, menopause can affect our metabolism, but calorie adjustments can be made. Please eat three meals each day.

7.Stand up: We’ve heard that sitting is the new smoking. I encourage you to stand up when possible. Many work from standing desks, which are wonderful. If you sit during the day,  make an effort to stand up a couple times an hour.

8.Be present: In my quest for good health, have spent years thinking how great I was going to look in three months. Guess what? I didn’t pay much attention to the present. Focus on what you are doing today, not yesterday or next year. What we are doing right now matters. Enjoy that you are making changes right now.

9.Get a check-up: Good health starts with taking control. Are you taking the best care of yourself? Make sure you visit your doctor at least once a year.

Annual Check Ups help promote good health.

10.Repeat steps 1 through 8 daily, and step 9 annually.


Can you believe how simple these are? You’re ready!


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