
Another Opportunity to Get it Right

2018, another opportunity to get it right! Another year is here. 365 days of endless possibilities. At Fiercely50ish, every day is an opportunity to get it right, yet the promise and gift of another year make me giddy with excitement, and it should you too. Whatever you want to accomplish in this year, you can. […] Read more…

What are Your R Words?

In case you haven’t figured it out, the Fiercely50ish nation is not your traditional demographic of midlife. Remember, we are Reinventing. Midlife. Yes, that’s what we do! So…the traditional R words for the over 50 demographic such as retirement, recreational vehicles and others are not in my current vocabulary. It’s perfectly fine if they are […] Read more…

What’s On Your Playlist?

It’s All About the Music!   When I’m doing my individual workout like running, walking or dancing like’s everybody watching, I must have music.  In fact, if there’s no music, I cannot exercise. Yikes! It’s like the coffee connoisseurs who cannot drink java without cream. Guilty! So…what’s on your playlist?   Brief Boom Box History […] Read more…

It’s Never Too Late to Get Fit

I am convinced that being active is a significant aspect of being Fiercely50ish. And, did you know it’s never too late to get fit? Best. News. Ever. Quite honestly, I don’t know where I would be today without fitness. It is that important. And, here’s some news, I wasn’t active most of my adult life. […] Read more…

Get Creative-Finding Your Fashion Persona!

It’s time to Get Creative! And we can do that by identifying our Fashion Persona. Your personal style takes time to develop and like anything else, we must learn the basics of how it all works so we can put it together and be confident in our choices and how we are dressing. Finding your […] Read more…

You’ve Got Great Style!

Hello! Today., let’s start out by taking a very quick quiz! What is your most dreaded question? What’s for dinner?   2. What am I going to wear today, tomorrow, the rest of my life? I told you it was quick. If you answered 2, keep reading…there is help! Remember, this is about Reinventing. Midlife. […] Read more…

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