
Have You Been Spanxed Lately?

Do you wear shapewear? I admit that I didn’t for the longest time and was probably the biggest resistor to making this wardrobe adjustment. While a great sleek look is timeless and should be part of any woman’s fashion goal (yes, I made a strong judgment statement just now), this amazing accessory can be worn […] Read more…

D-R-Y Has Many Meanings

The word dry has become a four-letter word in my life. It wasn’t always like this. Now, dry has so many meanings. SPOILER ALERT: Today’s blog will contain the words, VAGINA, SANDPAPER, and SEX.  No worries if this isn’t your thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang, just wanted full disclosure on today’s topic.   I thought I had been relatively […] Read more…

Spring Forth and Conquer

It is finally (fingers crossed) Spring in the Midwest, and hopefully, as the Today Show’s weatherman, Al Roker says, “And in your neck of the woods!” It has been a long winter, but it is time to Spring Forth and Conquer ala Fiercely50ish style! New Meet Old, Old Meet New For years I thought every […] Read more…

Why Aren’t We As Skinny As Our Eyebrows?

I hear from many of you, “Where have my eyebrows gone?” That’s a great question. And, I have a lot to say about eyebrows.  In the spirit of re-framing, here’s my question, “Why can’t we be as skinny as our eyebrows?” Back to finding out where our eyebrows have gone. Studies reveal various answers. Some […] Read more…