
Changing Our Style

Did you know that it is suggested that we change up our style every five to ten years? Now, I know what you may be thinking, this is one more item on your to-do list. This to-do is important and fun. I have some things to consider as you head down this path. Before we […] Read more…

The Long and Short(s) of Summer

Summer is finally here! The beach. Lots of daylight. Grilling out. Flip flops. Fun! Many of my clients have questions about their style in the summer. What can I wear? What are easy ways to create outfits that work for me? I hear you! And, today’s blog is all about options for summer-from petite to […] Read more…

What Am I Going to Wear Today?

Ugh! Do you dread this question? Is it worse than the other tired question, “What’s for dinner?” I used to hate opening my closet door in the mornings before work, or even on the weekends, and be faced with the gloom and doom of creating an outfit. Are you getting tired of the same clothes […] Read more…

When I Lose the Weight…

I hear it all the time. “I will work with you when I lose 15 pounds.” I reply, “No you won’t.” Dead silence. More dead silence. I finally break the awkwardly long silence. “I’m not shaming you. I am simply telling you that this won’t work.” “Why?” they say. “Because, this is what you believe, […] Read more…