
Let’s Talk Closets

Closets are sometimes a very touchy if not taboo subject. They really should not be-EVER!!!! Our closets are where the magic happens. It’s where our style lives, thrives and continues to evolve. Closets are to be a sanctuary and a happy place. Perhaps yours already is, that’s great. Maybe you need some help. When I […] Read more…

Six Pages Out of The French Style Book!

The Beginning of a Revolution Happy Bastille Day! France celebrates this historic day on July 14. On this day in 1789, the French commoners stormed the Bastille prison in Paris, revolting against the iron-clad control of King Louis XVI. This uprising started the French Revolution. Think of it as the United States’ 4th of July! […] Read more…

Dump The Frump!!!

For years we’ve been told to ‘dress our age.’ But, what does this really mean? My clients share their fears with me about their style. And do you know what their biggest style fear is? They look frumpy. Have you ever declared the same sentence? You’re not alone. It’s time to dump the frump, ladies!! […] Read more…

How to Wear White Jeans

Now that summer is in full swing, white jeans (and shorts) are a staple in many of our warm weather wardrobes. White pants and shorts can be tricky-and I’m here to help you wear them with ease and confidence! There are several ‘musts’ when wearing white bottoms, especially in the summer. Once you’ve mastered these, […] Read more…