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Morning  My Beautiful Fiercely50ish  peeps! Or good afternoon or evening, depending on what time zone you’re in. Today I decided to dance like everybody is watching!

My schedule today is pretty packed and I knew I wouldn’t be able to get to the gym today. So, guess what I just did?

I put the timer on my iPhone for 40 minutes, cranked up my playlist and just started moving. Yep, I made it up. I danced like everybody was watching! Lucky for me, nobody was home!



Some days we don’t have time or motivation  to get our Fiercely50ish selves to our traditional work-out spot. So, the best alternative is to be resourceful. That means taking full advantage of the tools you already have at your immediate disposal and start dancing!

Don’t be afraid to dance, remember, we used to do it in the 1980s- AEROBICS. If I recall correctly, we danced like we were extras in the popular movie,  Flashdance. We can do it again in this stage of our lives. Trust me, it is so much fun to dance like everybody’s watching. Cue the back-up singers-it’s your stage, use it well!

Photo Credit: The New York Times

I encourage you to put on your workout togs, crank up the music and start moving! Actually, I was able to fold my laundry and put it away this morning, which allowed me to multitask (a word that my husband forbids me to use in his presence), but not only did this work into my fitness goals but I found FOCUS as I was accomplishing several things simultaneously. Made. My. Day.

What I was doing, my friends was Reinventing. Midlife. That’s what the Fiercely50ish nation is all about. Welcoming this stage of our life with open arms (and I’m guessing more tighter arms since we are all committed to fitness) and put our spin on it, every day!

So, Dance Like Everyone is Watching. Because soon, then they will want to join us. Confidence, makes us fierce. I LOVE THIS AGE! Who cares who sees us dancing?  When they see how much fun we are having, they will probably join us.




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1 comment on “Dance Like Everybody Is Watching!!!”

  1. Loved this post. My mom is in her 70s and goes dancing almost every Saturday night. She recently signed up to take line dancing lessons. She looks forward to her weekly class on Thursday’s and going to the dances in the area. It helps her both physically and emotionally. Besides….how can you dance and be unhappy! People who are dancing have smiles on their face!

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