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What’s Your Style?


Find your style a la Fiercely50ish

We all have our own sense of style.  It is as unique as you are. Style can be as subtle as the colors you wear, think earth tones or really loud, think big statement jewelry pieces or electric pink lipstick. The beautiful thing about this whole style gig is you are in control!

While we talk about style, it has occurred to me, that some of us need some help with getting started on exactly what is involved in this process.

It is recommended that women should change their style about every seven years. I agree. Yet, how many of us do this? Thinking about change is the first step, but how do you make the change happen?

Let’s Make This Easy

Easy is usually good, right?  No, I am not going to send you to Pinterest, yet.  Does Pinterest make you as nervous as it does me?  It’s as if I need a therapist to guide me through the labyrinth of pins.

I digress! I think what gets many of us tripped up with style is what it means. Put simply you are:

Updating Your Look

Whew, that wasn’t too bad, right?


Three Ways to Update Your Look A La Fiercely50ish

Let’s get started with  “Updating Your Look a la Fiercely50ish.”


  1. First, changing or updating your look takes more than just you. And this took me a really long time to realize. We sometimes don’t think to ask others for their opinion or more importantly their help. It’s similar to men refusing to ask for directions.  When changing your look, you need another viewpoint, a set of eyes from a confidant. I suggest this confidant have a sense of style or a look that you admire. They can be younger but should be a teller of the truth.  WARNING: I don’t recommend a husband, boyfriend or significant other as your confidante. Trust me on this one. Style a la Fiercely50ish
  2. Let’s take a good hard look at your current hairstyle. When was the last time you changed it up? Do you still have the same cut and color that you’ve had for as long as you remember? If you answered yes, then it’s time for a C-H-A-N-G-E!  There are so many possibilities when it comes to haircuts, color, and highlights. Again, nothing drastic, just different than what you have been wearing. Check with your current stylist about what they think would work, or, now may be the time to consider searching for another stylist. And, now that you have a confidant ask them!! See how easy this is?Style A La Fiercely50ish
  3. It’s all about your pretty face.  Did you know that making some changes to your makeup is updating your look? Perhaps you don’t wear makeup. Now’s the time to consider experimenting with accentuating your eyes, or bring attention to your eyes. It is incredible how makeup can add to your new look.




Let me know what happens with updating your look! Stay tuned for more on this topic.


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4 comments on “Style A La Fiercely50ish”

  1. My style is easy. Fairly new to me over the past couple of years. Partly due to my newer tiny lifestyle, budget, and age. I really enjoyed this article and look forward to checking out lip gloss -tinted- the next time I am in town. Also, your next article, I am a fan!

  2. I love this!! I too believe it’s important to evolve with the times, and it makes such a difference!!

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