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To color or not to color?

50ish Shades of Grey

It’s a heady question (couldn’t resist).

The decision to give in to the loss of pigment in our tresses is not to be taken lightly. One I struggled with for several years.

You could set your clocks to my cut and color hair appointments. Within two to three weeks, the line of demarcation slowly made her way onto my aging scalp. It would infuriate me because of the money I had spent. It seemed rather futile in many ways.

50ish Shades of Grey

I envied those before me who wore the grey confidently and what seemed effortless. But I wasn’t ready. Vanity and fear are powerful obstacles.

In addition to the emotional tug, it continued to invade my thoughts. I was growing tired of ‘disguising’ the inevitable. My career of being a brunette was quickly closing in around me. I was looking washed out even hours after my color and highlights. And, the lighter highlights were a telltale sign of denial.

It Was Time

I removed the two roadblocks of vanity and fear out of my path and committed to letting the grey in. It was time.

It was a process. It took six months. It started with many much lighter highlights that would ‘blend in’ with the grey grow-out. It was fun, something different.

Some days my breath was taken away when I caught a glimpse in the mirror (which happened when I was still a brunette). Wow, the invisibility was starting to creep in. Who was that older woman?

I kept going. And, if it wasn’t a good look, in less than two hours and $150, I could be transformed into whatever color I requested. Nope. I needed to see it through. Was my vanity stronger than accepting my age? Some days it was, but truth be told, it wasn’t something I was proud of, I was resolute in seeing this to completion.


The transformation has occurred. And I am pleased with the end result, some days more than others. It has been liberating letting go of something that no longer works. I broke up with my brunette, she wasn’t exciting anymore. She lied. She was fading.

What about you?

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2 comments on “Fiercely50ish Shades of Grey”

  1. I love how you’ve allowed a more natural look to emerge, Susan! Have you noticed how many 20ish women color their hair grey? It’s no longer a sign of aging. Anyone for whom grey is an attractive color can rock it. And you rock it!

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