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Closets are sometimes a very touchy if not taboo subject. They really should not be-EVER!!!!

Our closets are where the magic happens. It’s where our style lives, thrives and continues to evolve. Closets are to be a sanctuary and a happy place.

Perhaps yours already is, that’s great. Maybe you need some help.

When I work with clients, they expect that the first thing we will do is a closet cleanse. Nope.

Here’s why. It’s another learned behavior that we really never questioned. It’s what has always been done.

What does cleaning out our closets really mean? We’ve done it for decades. And, I’m guessing if you’re like me, you hauled everything out, because that is what you were told to do, piled it on your bed, the floor and anywhere you could find, and for the next several hours, you were pressured to make some decisions about what stayed and what did not.

Think about this-we are attempting a herculean task with really no direction or guidance. And for what? More space in our closet to fill it up with more clothes, shoes and accessories that aren’t working for us. Do you see the madness of this?


I have a different, unconventional method to prepare your closet to become a container of positivity for your style.

Four Things

Yes. Focus on five items in your closet. They can be clothing, shoes, belts, purses, jewelry, but simply focus on five things that are currently residing in your closet today.

Here’s the criteria to use when deciding if these pieces stay or go:

1. Fit

Try it on! And in the Firecely50ish world, this means pairing said piece with the whole package. Example-if you’re trying on pants, or a skirt, include a top. If you’re determining if a top fits, pair it with the appropriate bottom. The whole point is to create an outfit so you can see how this piece works or doesn’t work.

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Is it too big?
  • Is it too small?
  • Is it too long?
  • Is it too short?
  • Is this something a tailor can fix?

If it’s a piece that cannot be altered by a tailor, then it is put on the style bus where it can better serve a fellow Fiercely50ish fashionista.

2. Do You Love It?

Sounds simple, right? We are programmed to sometimes purchase obligatory clothing, shoes, jewelry and the like. Think about the black blazer (zzzzzzzzzzzzzz).

Again, some questions you need to ask when determining if you LOVE the piece:

  • Does it make you feel fantastic when you wear it?
  • Is it the right fabric for your body type?
  • Do you get compliments when you wear this piece?

I think you get the gist of what’s happening here. You are capable of making the right decision if it remains on the hanger in your closet, or gets a seat on the style bus.

3. Color

Is this piece the right color for you today? Remember, our pigmentation changes in our skin and eyes with each birthday. What worked three years ago may not be the case today.

If it doesn’t enhance your skin, eyes or hair, it should be put on the style bus.

4. Lifestyle

Are your clothes, shoes, jewelry, etc. aligning with your lifestyle? Do you have a closet full of business clothes yet haven’t gone into an office for months or longer?

Perhaps your athleisure wardrobe needs some help.

When you’re going through your closet, it’s important that your wardrobe reflects how you live your life right now. Similar to dressing for our body shapes today, we should dress for our lifestyle today.

Our closets are to be celebrated! Now you can easily make room for pieces that fit, you love, are the right color and are perfect for your lifestyle. No need to do a full overhaul at once-simply do it five pieces at a time!


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10 comments on “Let’s Talk Closets”

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