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Did I have you at ease?

Why do so many of us cringe when it comes to what we wear? My clients have many reasons. We successfully address what these reasons are, so that they can breakthrough these barriers, beliefs or what other obstacles are stopping them from embracing their style.

A Fiercely50ish Adult Temper Tantrum

Style should include our spirit, our creativity. We have to understand it first, practice, and learn how to make it our own.

4 Steps That Will Get You There

1. Launch From Inspiration!

This is one of the most important steps in embracing your style. Ask my clients.

It’s time to collect the data that supports what you love. This can easily be done by creating collages, NOW THEY ARE CALLED VISION BOARDS.

Go through the magazines that may be piling up in some room of your house, and you haven’t had the motivation to get rid of. Or, create an inspiration board on Pinterest. There are many more that I share with my clients, but these are two that can get you started.

2. Reality Check

As I preach to everyone when it comes to their style, you have to get real about what is practical. Sure, you may love the latest trends, but will they work for your lifestyle?

Is that party dress with multiple tiers part of your life today?

Don’t succumb to the ‘peer pressure’ that the fashion industry so successfully convinces us to believe, and ultimately purchase. Can you start to see why many of us have a closet full of clothes that you cannot wear?

It’s ok to love from afar. But get a clear perspective about what you really want to wear that will ultimately lead to less stress and my favorite accessory-C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-C-E!!

3. Speaking of Confidence

This is where confidence can finally play the starring role she deserves in your style story.

You are selecting items that feel right, comfortable and can easily represent your lifestyle. You love what you love, and that is what your style is all about!

It’s all about you. Don’t copy someone else. It’s fine to admire others, but dig a bit deeper and understand what it is you are admiring about their style. I am going to guess you are struck by their confidence.

4. Channel Your Creativity

Now that you know what you are attracted to, makes you feel great, it’s time for what I tell my clients, “The Fashion Show-Starring You!” It’s time to put things together. What works? The sky is the limit.

Creativity is an open mind. Look at your clothes as part of a beautiful puzzle. Each piece plays an important role in the whole end-game.


Is it Time to Say Goodbye to Invisibility and Hello to Confidence?

I work with women, just like you. They are tired of struggling with their style. They want to be seen, and feel good! Is this you?

All great things begin with a conversation, don’t you agree?

My initial consultation starts with understanding your beliefs, who you are and so much more. You’ll be amazed at what you will learn about yourself and how your journey to finding your style can be fun and easy.

I’m offering my Fiercely50ish Style Consultation to you at 50% off! Grab this opportunity and start embracing your style!

Join the fun in our Facebook Group!

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4 comments on “Isn’t Time to Dress With Ease and Confidence?”

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