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I love to include walking in my fitness routine. It’s how I got started. I also like to run but right now am working through an injury and running isn’t the best choice, so I am going back to where it all began-WALKING!  I am going to share six reasons to walk the walk with you.

Yep, my fitness began with walking. I couldn’t walk very fast or very long, but like with any exercise, I got stronger and could go further and pick up my pace.  On days when I just want cardio, I opt for a fast walk-under a 15-minute mile for 60 minutes. It is delightful.


So, what are you waiting for? Walking is easy, free, and can be done almost anywhere!  Grab your earbuds, favorite music, (here’s what’s on my current playlist)  lace up your walking shoes and start w-a-l-k-i-n-g!

Here are some compelling reasons why walking rocks.

1. It increases our lung capacity!

And when your lung capacity increases your stamina kicks in. That’s the beauty of exercise; you just get stronger and stronger.


2. Putting On those Walking Shoes Slows Aging!

Yes, you read that correctly. Studies prove that those who walked 30 minutes daily lived longer than those who didn’t lace up their shoes and move.

3. Get it Done in the Morning Sun!

When you walk in the morning, you are allowing your body to produce vitamin D, needed for strong bones and has shown to prevent of cancer, diabetes and multiple sclerosis. Walking in the morning is a great opportunity for your body to produce vitamin D. Vitamin D is essential for bone strength and it prevents cancer, multiple sclerosis, and diabetes type 1.



4. Walk Away From Stress Eating

Getting your daily walk in releases endorphin (the happy hormone) into your body, letting that ling that nasty stress hormone (is it) cortisone to go away. And, when cortisone vacates your system, the urge to as I like to call it, “mindless eating” starts to fade.

Walking can help us make healthier food choices. So, when you’re about to give-in to the “mindless eating” and it includes chocolate, the most recent research tells us that putting one foot in front of the other on a regular basis reduces cravings of snacks laden with sugar.


5. Walking Makes You Smarter

Believe it or not, walking can increase your intelligence. Walking helps to supply the brain with the required amounts of oxygen and glucose, which helps it function better. It also decreases the levels of Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, which clogs arteries and reduces the risk of stroke. So, walking can help improve blood circulation and the brain and cellular functions.

6. It’s A Healthy Addiction

It’s Addicting! In today’s world, where addiction can be harmful, being addicted to walking is the best. Some have called it the ‘gateway drug’ for other exercises. First, we walk, then we find ourselves wanting to do more. Jogging, lifting weights, challenging your stamina! It’s the best.

I’m off for my morning walk!!!



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