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Bad News, Good News!

Hello. I’m sorry to tell you there’s no magic cure to lose or maintain weight. As I’ve shared with you all in previous posts, I have been worried, concerned, obsessed with my weight since the third grade.  It’s been a challenge until about 50. I’m not certain as to exactly what happened, but like installing flooring, it all clicked for me.

I shed the nagging 30-40 pounds that kept finding me and got really serious about my fitness goals.  There was no magic pill. I just took everything I knew and committed to getting it right.


While this works for me, it may not work for others, but perhaps you’ll find something here that will help you.

Here are six tips that I have found successful in maintaining my weight loss:

  1. I bite it, I write it. Yep, anything that I eat goes in my Fitness Pal. If I want to maintain my weight, I need to be accountable, and that means putting it somewhere other than my mouth.

2. I try, not always successful, to not mindlessly eat. Imbibing on handfuls of foods that may not be the best choice and then realize I had way more than I needed.

3. I weigh my food. I have done this for 30 years. Portions matter. This keeps me honest and reminds me that sometimes my eyes are much bigger than my stomach!




4. I forgive myself when I swerve. It used to be when I cheated; it was a green light to act like an addict going on a binge. I used to have binges that lasted forever…years. Today, I look at my ‘cheats’ as part of my life and get up the next day and get back on track. Ain’t nothing going to happen beating myself up and holding myself in a mental hostage situation, which is why I always ask myself, “What are you gonna do about it?

5.I enjoy how I feel. Scratch that-I LOVE HOW I FEEL. I’m not perfect, but I feel really, really good. When you feel good, it shows up everywhere-in relationships, projects, work and it makes those around you feel good.

6. I am committed to working out every week. My goal is four times per week, and I typically do that each week. Some weeks I cannot due to my schedule and other weeks I may get in more than four, but I sweat and get my heart rate up every week

There are minutes, hours and days where I am crabby about what is required to hover, remain and on good stretches, weigh-in below my ideal weight. Before I start distributing the “Save the Date” for the future pity party that I will host, I reel it back in. I want to feel good; I want to look good.

Here’s what you can do today!


I am #Fiercely50ish, and so are you.


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