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In case you haven’t figured it out, the Fiercely50ish nation is not your traditional demographic of midlife. Remember, we are Reinventing. Midlife. Yes, that’s what we do!

So…the traditional R words for the over 50 demographic such as retirement, recreational vehicles and others are not in my current vocabulary. It’s perfectly fine if they are in yours.

Here are my R words:

Reinvent tops my list. Each minute of each day, an opportunity presents itself to reinvent.  I love that sentence.  Each minute of each day, an opportunity presents itself to reinvent. How lucky are we that we can reinvent what we do?

Reconnect is another fave. I’ve done a lot of reconnecting since I’ve become fiercely50ish; reconnecting with friends, colleagues and most importantly, myself.

Relaxing isn’t easy for me. I am wired to be on G-O at all the times. I have vowed to move out of the land of hurry-up so I am working on stopping the madness and chilling. It’s a work in progress.

Re-frame helps me get perspective. When I consider the many aspects that contribute to situations, decisions and others’ behavior, I am reminded how important re-framing can create clarity.

Realize how fortunate I am and to be grateful for this great life that I lead along with my supporting, caring, non-coddling, hard-working and loving husband, family and friends.

Respond is important. I’ve learned that I can take my time in responding, but if someone asks me a question, sends me a text, or an email, I do need to offer an answer. My response is mine and I am entitled to what I want to say. I no longer fret over my responses, because I am speaking my truth.

Recharge is an important R word. Not much can be accomplished unless we have some time to invigorate what makes us Fiercely50ish. It might be walking away, turning off the electronics, taking a vacation. Whatever it takes, we need to recharge.

Remember is also a hard one some days. I attribute that to age, crazy schedules and probably doing more than I should. I have to remember to relax, reconnect, re-frame, and realize. It’s a circle.

What are your R words?




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