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This word scares me because many times I feel that I don’t have focus.  When I try and define focus, it is the ability to concentrate on something, while singularly blocking everything else around you out.  How do you focus?

But is that really the case? That may be focus for someone else and it can work well. But is that really the case? As I have dug deeper to find my definition of focus, I realize it is unique to the individual. For me, I am at my creative best when I have a lot going on at one time. It’s the fuel that propels me to produce, write creatively and allow me to receive random thoughts. Simply put, it enhances my open-mindedness.

So if I am at my best with many projects going on simultaneously, does that  mean I don’t have focus? No! My focus is just that- multiple projects, the many thoughts staying afloat from my energy, a bit of bedlam. It’s what it is.

I realize that focus is quite unique to the individual.  I celebrate this and so should you.

The end-game is you are achieving what you set out to do. You are getting things done and are happy during the entire process. If solitude and silence allow you to be razor sharp, that’s your focus. Or, if you thrive in a clean, open space, that too is your focus. No judgment, just results!

Accepting  what your focus is can be quite liberating. When I realized that my desk was full of chaos and my floor was strewn with papers has been working for decades, I stopped putting up barriers which were obstacles to accomplishing my goals and more importantly, my creativity.

We all operate differently, thank goodness. Things that motivate you, may not have the same effect on me. But we can certainly learn and draw from our experiences, taking mental a inventory of what works and what doesn’t. Adjustments are made and focus can be found, enhanced and yes, even re-directed.

For now, I will keep producing, achieving my goals, setting new goals and working on improving my focus. How about you?





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