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We want to be our best. Every. Day. To be our best, we have to put in a lot of work to make this happen. I love the possibilities of changing, improving, tweaking who we are. What is important in this process is to press pause and take a clear look at where you are, right now. We are a society obsessed with results, IMMEDIATELY. While seeing the end-goal is a great incentive, we forget to define our starting line.

How do you think we can achieve our goals if we don’t know where we will start?

Your starting line is at a different location than my starting line. Our experiences, attitudes shape who we are. We must embrace this, listen and realize this is an important part of our GPS (Goals Predict Success). Don’t treat this as a handicap, or an obstacle in reaching our goals-it’s clarity.

Our inner-chatter sometimes can muddy our view of our starting line. In fact, I have sometimes been in such a downward spiral of self- smack-talk that I couldn’t tell you where my starting line was if was standing on it-true statement.

Start from where you are!

What Happens When You Start From Where You Are:

  1. When you start from where you are, you are embracing honesty. Honesty is good. It opens minds, when minds are open, results happen.
  2. A starting line gives you direction. Starting to me means moving forward. Forward is good. We don’t walk backward, do we?
  3. When we know where we are going, we know where we are going.
  4. When you start from where you are, you see how far you need to go to get where you want to be.
  5. You make sound decisions when you start from where you are.

Opportunities Straight Ahead

Incredible opportunities are within reach. And when we start from where we are, we are that much closer to turning possibilities into our reality! Exiting stuff when you think about it. Where is your starting line?

Enjoy this new route to success. It’s your trip, and with each step, you will get stronger, more confident. You’ll love it, I promise!



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