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Welcome! So happy you’re here.  How lucky we are to move our bodies.

As part of the Fiercely50ish society, moving our bodies in some way on a regular basis is so very important! We have all read (or maybe avoided reading) the benefits of exercise. I want to start with my personal favorite and most significant motivator-IMPROVES MENTAL HEALTH!  I am all about positivity, and ladies, what a fitness regime does to our overall attitudes is phenomenal and will drive each of us to achieve our individual goals.

8 Reasons to Move Our Bodies

Check out what exercise does!

  1. Bye, Bye Stress! Stress is unavoidable. But did you know that exercise can markedly reduce our stress levels? Increasing your heart rate by taking a brisk walk, hopping on a spin bike or a run boost our body’s ability to deal with the tension of our day.


  1. See Ya Later Insomnia! A workout can help us sleep! Who doesn’t welcome (with open arms) a delicious night of uninterrupted sleep? Insomnia can bother someone else, but not the Fiercely50ish Society who commits to a fitness routine! A bonus is that a vigorous workout makes us legitimately tired!!! Sweet dreams.



  1. Communing with Nature! Fresh air and the sun are one of the best elements for fitness! Finding an outdoor workout that aligns with your fitness style is important. The vitamin D from the sun boosts our happy moods which propels self-confidence. Don’t forget to wear sunscreen.


  1. Ooze Self-Confidence! Who doesn’t welcome some self-confidence in our world? Exercise, in its most basic form is shown to boost positive self-image and elevate self-esteem. Yep, you just walked three miles, or maybe lifted a heavier weight. Congrats! You pushed yourself. Exercise doesn’t judge our size, age, weight (no wonder I love it so much) and improves our perception of how attractive we are! I love this!!!


  1. Brains and Brawn! Some studies reveal that cardio makes new brain cells, scientists call them neurogenesis and these contribute to brain performance. Exercise is known to stimulate our memory-function and increase our vocabulary! What are we waiting for, let’s put those exercise tights on immediately to not only build muscle but intellect!!


  1. Getting Stuff Done! Movement begets movement and exercise allow us to accomplish even more in our day! How great is that? Imagine what we can achieve with more energy!


  1. Creativity Abounds! A workout can jump start your creativity! When your heart rate starts climbing, your creative juices start flowing. More proof that exercise is so crucial to boosting our moods.


  1. You’re An Inspiration!  When you commit to a workout routine, who knows who else you will inspire to get motivated! Tap into your sphere of influence, your book club peeps, work colleagues, neighbors, and friends and pretty soon you’ll have a fitness contingency.



We have just learned eight amazing ways fitness improves our mental health and continues to feed a positive and productive lifestyle! Are you motivated? I am! In fact, I am going out for a run right now!



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