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2018, another opportunity to get it right!

Another year is here. 365 days of endless possibilities.

At Fiercely50ish, every day is an opportunity to get it right, yet the promise and gift of another year make me giddy with excitement, and it should you too.

Whatever you want to accomplish in this year, you can. The desire, drive and direction you take in 2018 reside in you, and only you, no one else.  We are not perfect; we make wrong turns, vow we won’t repeat mistakes. What if we looked at the new year sprawled out in front of us as an opportunity to get it right?

What Will You Get Right in the New Year?

Ok, I’ll start. Here is what I want to get right in the new year (or at the very least, the opportunity to get it right):

  • Being nice-This is not my strongest trait. It is hard for me. I am really going to maximize the opportunity in 2018 to get this right.

  • Having an open mind-open minds make room for positivity.
  • Forgiveness-See Being Nice…I’m stubborn. It’s hard for me to forgive. Yet another opportunity for me to get it right this coming year.
  • Slow Down– Breathe. Let things happen as they should. Must move out of hurry-up land!

  • An uninterrupted four-minute plank -period. My work-out peeps will totally back this opportunity to get this right.
  • Mastering my electronics not sure how this will happen. See patience below.
  • Patience if anyone has the key to patience, I’m all ears. Definitely not my strength. Silver lining, 2018 is another opportunity to get this right. Hurry!  See, I told you.

  • Living my purpose is what I am most excited about getting right in 2018. One of the greatest gifts of being Fiercely50ish is the ability to finally have the courage, grit and resources to do this.
  • Acceptance not to be confused with patience. Although they are very similar, I cannot change, control or manipulate (yes, I own it) so many things and accepting that and exerting my energies into projects, people and situations where I can make a difference is part of my opportunity to get acceptance right in 2018.

What do you want the opportunity to get right in 2018? Will you do it?


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