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I want to address Body Image. We’ve dealt with it since forever.

It can be cruel. It forms our beliefs. It stops us. It skews our perspective.

Body image is a hard one for me. It has taken almost 59 years to accept.

I embrace my body image and most days, love my body.  And I want this for each of you.

Be Brave

Many women have a perception about their body image that may be vastly different from what others see.  For many years, decades, I was in denial about my body image.  Midlife has changed this for me. I got serious about some of the choices I was making . These decisions and my willingness to accept what I have, has given me the courage to love my body.

Funny how midlife empowers us in ways we couldn’t imagine in our younger years.

Don’t you love that you can easily place commentaries, suggestions, and editorials in the rear-view mirror. TRANSLATION– We no longer look to others for our acceptance.

Here is What I’ve Learned

Here’s my list.

  1. I’m was too hard on myself, and I’m guessing you may be, too.

2. Nobody has your body; it is 100% yours. Celebrate this.

3. My husband loves my body.

4. Because he loves my body, it has permitted me to love my body.

5. Midlife has taught me to respect my body.

6. I cannot change what I used to do to my body.

7. I can change what I put into my body today.

8. I am grateful to for clothes and knowing which clothes work for my body shape.

9. I love my full-length mirror. I use it every day. It is my friend.

10. I look at myself from the front and the back of my full-length mirror.

11. I am liberated from clothing sizes. If it fits, it fits, and that is most important.

12. I have a tailor. She is my friend. She wants me to look fabulous in my clothes.

13. I have reinvented my style which has enhanced my body image.  It’s important to do this about every seven years-especially in midlife.

14. I have an open mind when it comes to colors.

15. I try not to wear black against my face. Best. Advice. Ever.

16. I have stopped wishing I was taller than 5′ 4″.

17. I have big boobs and a small waist. I embrace this and enhance these assets when I dress.

18. This is the only body I have, and if I don’t take the best care of it, nobody else will.

19. Possibilities happen when you start loving all of you-head to toe.

20. I am grateful every day for my body. It’s healthy today, it’s flexible and it is mine.

Please do the same for your body.


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1 comment on “20 Things That Have Taught Me To Love My Body”

  1. These are fantastic tips! Although I do love black.

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