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Hello, Fiercely50ish peeps!

Rule Followers Unite

Are you a rule follower? Sometimes I am. It depends what it is.


I have learned that there are fitness rules that should really be followed. They will help you:

  • Become and stay strong(er)
  • Reduce pain and possibly injury
  • Perfect your form.

If you’re not a rule follower, simply bookmark this blog and come back to it later when you’re ready. You’ll be glad you did!

Five Fiercely50ish Fitness Rules:


  1. Warm-up::Yes, this is so important. When I really got serious about fitness, I dove right in. M-I-S-T-A-K-E! Whatever workout you do, please promise me you will warm-up. There are a couple reasons why the warm-up is important. It lets your body know that some fun activity is happening soon. It also helps increase your body temperature and your muscle temperature. Just like melting butter or chocolate, higher temperature allows your muscles to get loose and more pliable. Believe me, you want your muscles and tendons to be prepared for your workout.
  2. Slow down: It’s not about how many reps, laps, or whatever measurement of exercise you are doing. It’s about doing it right and speed has nothing to do with it, I promise. I was the worst about this until a kind and patient trainer schooled me that slowing down not only perfected my form, it got results.
  3. Learn correct form and continue to use correct form: I’m sharing this because good form prevents injuries and makes you stronger. When you’re stronger because of good form you can increase the intensity and see more results. I promise.
  4. Stretch: Think of this as the book-end to the warm-up. The importance of stretching after your exercise is keeps the muscles flexible, strong, and healthy, and we need that flexibility to maintain a range of motion in the joints. Without it, the muscles shorten and become tight. … Injured muscles may not be strong enough to support the joints, which can lead to joint injury.

5.Don’t overdo: Workout hard, rest hard. We can get really focused on our fitness goals, and this is great. However, resting is just as important. You don’t have to workout more than once a day. Balance is the word here.

I think you’ll be very pleased with your progress and results if you follow these five easy rules. Nothing happens overnight. Be patient and exercise responsibly.



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