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Do you second-guess yourself every time you get dressed?

It’s common, yet exhausting! Midlife style should be simple, not full of stress and strife!

I have four ways to create a fabulous Fiercely50ish outfit!


The first thing for anything you put on your body each day should focus on comfort. And, I’m not talking about forsaking style over comfort.

When you’re looking at your beautiful self in your full-length mirror, ask yourself these questions:

  1. Is this something I can comfortably wear for the entire day?
  2. Do I look comfortable in this outfit?

If the word no has passed your lips, then this outfit is not what you should be wearing, today or ever. Maybe the fabric is wrong, or the style. Whatever it is, don’t punish yourself with wearing an uncomfortable outfit.

And, remember, this can apply to your clothes, accessories and especially

S-H-O-E-S!! I cannot tell you how many times my clients have nailed what they have on their bodies, yet negate the entire look with the wrong pair of footwear.

If your footwear is not offering you comfort, take them off; these should be among the things that you remove from your closet, as I strongly suggest in my Let’s Talk Closets blog!

Shoes never ever become more comfortable over time. They do just the opposite! So, please make sure your entire outfit is comfortable. And, this applies to jewelry. You’re welcome!

Laser-Focused on The Fit!

It’s one thing to have something fit, but when we really want to embrace our style and look great in everything we wear, EVERY DAY, the fit really comes into play here.

I tell my clients that our style is comprehensive and is a 360 degree sphere; top to bottom, side-to-side, front and back. This is no different than getting your hair cut. Your stylist has the luxury of seeing your head as a 360- degree sphere, which is why it’s so perfect. I strongly suggest you learn how to do what they do, or at the very least, ask! It’s good to get a style that you can manage between appointments.

More questions to ask regarding the fit:

  • Any pulling, or tugging anywhere?
  • Can you freely move in your tops, bottoms, and jackets?
  • Is everything in tip-top order-meaning are the hems and seams lining up how they should?

Make sure you are looking at your outfit from ALL angles.

Does This Reflect Who I Am?

How many times have we been shopping with a friend or family member, they spot a blouse, pants, skirt or dress, pull it off the rack and excitedly exclaim, “This is so Y-O-U!”

Sometimes they were spot-on, others, not so much.

The point I am making here is that you have the power to communicate who you are by what you wear. What worked for you 10 years ago, or maybe as recent as six months ago may not reflect who you are today.

This step in embracing YOUR style is the most important. You can wear beautiful pieces that fit, accentuate your body shape, yet if they do not accurately represent who you are, it’s a wasted outfit.

I have a very fun exercise that my clients love to get clarity on who they are and how that translates into their clothing choices!

Color You Beautiful!

You knew that this was going to come up, right?

You should wear the absolute best colors for you. If you love a certain color and it looks great, I encourage you to try it in different shades. You may be surprised at how that can change up an outfit.

Love a color, but it doesn’t love you back? And what I mean by this is that this color doesn’t brighten your beautiful face. Simply wear the color as an accessory, purse, shoes, rings, bracelets. This is all detailed in my very popular mini-course, Creating The Perfect Outfit Every Day.

Just like our style changes, so do the colors we used to wear. Color audits are important since our pigmentation changes in our hair, eyes, and skin.

Follow these four steps and you will look fabulous, always!


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6 comments on “Four Fabulous Ways to Create an Outfit!”

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