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Where do you find inspiration to workout?  Today we are going to learn some simple and fun ways to find and keep motivation! Are you ready?

I will share with you that most days I love to exercise. It improves my psyche, strengthens my body and my overall well-being. And, there are those days where I need some coaxing and positive self-talk to get myself to the gym.

Exercise Should be Fun!

Exercise should be fun. We are so fortunate to have the ability to move our bodies.

Try these Five Tips to Find and Stay Motivated!

  1. Do what you like!  We have a much better chance of success when we do what we like. I know that there is some physical activity that you enjoy. There are many options out there for physical activity ranging from group classes, boutique fitness studios to the comfort of your own home. My challenge to you is to do what you like for 30 days!  If it’s not working after one month, it may be time to look at another type of activity.
Two women dancing outside
  1. Get dressed! Now it’s time to put on your workout clothes! If you can, I recommend putting your workout clothes on when you start your day.  It is a great reminder to exercise and one less thing you have to do, no matter what time of day you workout!  Here’s a little unsolicited advice on workout clothes-  yoga pants and a cute top are not the proper exercise outfits. I’m talking workout pants, a workout bra, a workout top, socks and the appropriate workout shoes.  For more on this, find out what I have to say about workout clothes.

  1. Making a List and checking it twice. If you’re a list maker, this will be very easy. Write, type or text why you want to exercise and keep this in a prominent place in your home, office, car, a bathroom mirror. When we put our goals on paper or a screen, they are real and when it is real, we can commit and succeed.

4. Music. What matters more than music in a workout? Nothing! How lucky we are to have the endless options of putting our own playlist together. Imagine yourself as the DJ of your own personal workout radio station! You rock. Pairing the best songs with your exercise regime is one of the best ways that I know to get motivated! There’s nothing better than working out hard to your favorite tunes! Still need inspiration?  Here’s what is on my current playlist.

         5.  Positivity! Whatever this looks like to you, make it happen when you are working out. Surround yourself with a tribe of positive people who will cheer you on at your workouts. Pick a venue that makes you smile and even laugh when you get moving. Wear fun colors! Whatever you do, just make it positive!

You are going to be fabulous!


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