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I don’t want to live in the Land of Hurry-up any longer. In fact, I am moving out of the land of hurry-up.

We live in a world of hurry-up.  Let’s have a quick meeting. I only have 10 minutes for a phone call, so let’s make this fast. Can you hurry to get this done?  I have so much to do. And, isn’t it the case that the more we get done, the better we are?



If we clean our house, work-out and cook dinner in a two-hour window, does that make us a better person? Really? How about at the office? If we crank out the work and produce like a crazy person to make impossible deadlines, what happens? More work. More crazy deadlines.

I think it just makes us more tired and resentful.

As Fiercely50ish women, we were among some of the first generations to attend and graduate from college, pursue a career and succeed. Add families and other responsibilities and we find ourselves smack dab in the middle of the land of hurry-up.

It makes me crazy

When I operate in a hurry-up mode, I make mistakes, I become resentful, and most importantly, I lose my creativity.

The land of hurry-up is full of noise. Noise is loud; noise is disruptive, it is also annoying.

When we stop, the noise diminishes. We can listen, and we can hear.  When the noise stops, we can find our focus and stop the hurry-up insanity that is really and truly not helping us, or those around us.

There’s a word that I have learned to love. BREATHE!

There are many ways to breathe, but the point is we need to do more of it to find our center. When the noise is gone, I can hear my breathing. It’s a wonderful sound.

Moving out of the land of hurry-up isn’t easy, but it’s possible.

Try these five easy and highly effective ways to start the moving process:


  1. Block out some time during your day. You know best when that can happen. Just block out some time.
  2. Commit to five minutes and gradually increase.
  3. Find your nothing. Maybe it’s a blank stare. Perhaps it’s writing in a journal.
  4. Embrace no noise. Listen.
  5. Repeat steps 1-4 every day.




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