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I am convinced that being active is a significant aspect of being Fiercely50ish. And, did you know it’s never too late to get fit? Best. News. Ever.

Quite honestly, I don’t know where I would be today without fitness. It is that important.

And, here’s some news, I wasn’t active most of my adult life. Sure, I’d start with the best intentions. Some of this may sound familiar to you? I would join a health club, hell-bent on getting in shape. I’d buy the clothes and promise myself that this time would be the last time. This went on for decades.

Lots of money, disappointment, self-loathing happened. Yet, I had not committed to any type of fitness regime.

The flicker of light came on when I turned 50. I cannot tell you exactly why or when. It just did. And since then, I’ve really, never, ever looked back.

And, guess what Fiercely50ish beauties? There is such compelling evidence of the impact exercise has for our demographic!

Fitness in our 50s is by far the best give you can give for yourself.

Please, please check with your health professional before you start lacing up your shoes!

Read These Compelling Reasons Why We Should Exercise!

Bye, bye jiggle! Turns out the more muscle mass we have as we have more birthdays, the more chance to ward off the jiggly skin that none of us like! Coupled with good eating and regular exercise, we can have a tighter body now! You’re welcome!

Good Bones! It turns out exercise builds and maintains good bones. And all this time I thought it was milk. By the way, this is a good opportunity to ask if you know your bone density? This is the perfect time to get this test the next time you’re getting a physical. Actually, many health fairs offer this and trust me; it’s great information and painless.

See Ya Later! We’ve heard this forever, but I’m here to give you a pretty amazing list of what exercise can reduce or delay for women:

  • Menopause symptoms
  • Joint pain (and I promise the joint pain lessens when you are active. It may exist when you wake up, but the more you move, the less it hurts).
  • Weight gain
  • Lowered immune function
  • Poor digestion
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Read that list again. Yes, a fitness regime can help reduce these. What are you waiting for????

I promise Fiercely50ish peeps; it’s never, ever too late to be Fit! Moving our bodies in some way every day can make such a difference.

Listen to your body. Take it slow. But, please, please get up and move! We are all unique and that includes our bodies.  You have the power to make amazing changes when you move even 15-20 minutes per day. And, imagine how fabulous you’ll look in your clothes!

I’ll leave you with this…

Some fitness experts say it’s even possible to get into the best shape of your life after the age of fifty if you’ve spent most of your life out of shape.


What are you waiting for?


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