When I Lose the Weight…

I hear it all the time. “I will work with you when I lose 15 pounds.” I reply, “No you won’t.” Dead silence. More dead silence. I finally break the awkwardly long silence. “I’m not shaming you. I am simply telling you that this won’t work.” “Why?” they say. “Because, this is what you believe, […] Read more…

Are You Sporting the Right Hairstyle for The Shape of Your Beautiful Face?

Hmmmm….have you ever been asked that question before? Did you know that your haircut does matter for your overall style? I asked my hairstylist about this, and I thought she was going to start crying with happiness. “Nobody ever considers their figure, face shape when getting their hair cut and finding style. Many of my […] Read more…

Fiercely50ish Shades of Grey

Fiercely50ish Shades of Grey

To color or not to color? It’s a heady question (couldn’t resist). The decision to give in to the loss of pigment in our tresses is not to be taken lightly. One I struggled with for several years. You could set your clocks to my cut and color hair appointments. Within two to three weeks, […] Read more…

We Are The Oldest We’ve Ever Been

Think About It… A friend and I were having lunch. She is 20 years younger than I am. Age came up in the conversation. We were sharing our perspectives on where we were in our lives, accomplishments, etc., and she said something that made complete and total sense,”I am the oldest I’ve ever been.” I […] Read more…

Mental Fitness

Today we are going to delve into F-I-T-N-E-S-S. But not what you think. I want to talk about “mental fitness.” Are You Mentally Fit?   I hear what you are thinking, “What does this mean and how will it help me?” Glad you asked. How often have we wanted to start something that we know […] Read more…

Wardrobe 101

  Wardrobe 101  How many of you walk into your closet and say, “I have nothing to  wear?” I did the same thing until I learned how to create the wardrobe that I not only love, but wear. This involves some work on your end. Sorry. If you want to stop the madness, I encourage […] Read more…

Dust Settles, We Don’t

  Settling Stops Here It started at a young age. We were told to ‘settle down’ by parents, teachers and others who may have thought our behaviors were not becoming in a specific situation. THIS JUST IN!  Dust settles, we don’t.   What do I mean by this? It’s simple; we don’t accept this ageism […] Read more…

Women Should Not Wear Black

You’re Not Going to Like This How’s that for a headline? I may lose you, but I encourage you to keep reading. This is  a steadfast rule for my clients. Midlife women should not wear black near or around your face. I’ll give you a moment here. Black is not a color. We should not […] Read more…

Fiercely50ish Fashion Rules

Almost weekly, a Fiercely50ish woman seeks my counsel on: What they should wear? 2. Can they wear the latest trends? 3. What clothing is age appropriate? Own Your Uniqueness As you know, I have many opinions on fashion and style. Your style is unique.  Fashion happens when you put on clothes and add accessories. My […] Read more…

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