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Fitness is an important part of the Fiercely50ish community. For some, it may be something you are committing to for the first time, or, are starting over after a long time. It’s ok! I’m here to tell you starting over can be fun!

In our world of impatience, we expect results yesterday. Let’s re-frame and celebrate that you’re starting over!!! .

Five Ways to Celebrate Starting Over

  1. Don’t not do it! Sorry for the double negative here, but to do something, you’ve got to do something. Suck it up and get to the gym, studio or the venue you’ve committed to for your fitness! We can do anything!

2. Work it into your schedule. Write it down, enter it into your cell, whatever documentation you need to see it, be reminded. Soon, it will be natural and you will wonder how you lived without fitness in your schedule.

3.Plan is a four-letter word. Make sure you are ready for tomorrow’s workout by packing your clothes, shoes and any other gear tonight! Being prepared makes a huge difference. I put it in my car, so I have no excuses. You have no idea what I used to do to sabotage my workouts…yes, I may have only packed one shoe.

4.Claim your spot! There’s nothing worse than waiting to use your favorite equipment. Well, maybe there is. What happens when you see somebody “using” the machine you want to use? I’m defining using quite loosely here. It turns out this person is texting or talking on the phone? Who does that? We are Fiercely50ish and can resolve anything! Politely ask if you can get some reps in while they are taking care of other business. It works!

5.Sore is good! I love it. Don’t let some fatigued muscles deter you. It’s part of getting in shape and your muscles are letting you know they’ve been challenged!

See, starting over with your fitness goals can be fun! Take it slow and follow these five tips. Remember, we can do anything.  Be consistent and patient. Stay positive and celebrate that you can start over!  




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