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Strength training is important to our health. With every birthday, we lose muscle. To combat this process, strength training helps keep our bones strong.  Stronger bones is exactly what we want to happen!  It increases our bone density, which is so very important to being and staying Fiercely50ish.  And, just like getting in shape at any age, we can increase our bone density at ANY AGE! Yay!

You ready?  And remember, when starting anything new (relationships, a job, fitness, you get where I am going with this) START FROM WHERE YOU ARE!

Picking Up Heavy Things

Before I became a Fiercely50ish card-member, the heavy things I picked up included a six- pack of sugary soda, double bags of chips and anything in the refrigerator that was blocking my view of what crazy unhealthy treat I could grab.

Now, lifting weights is part of my weekly routine. When we exercise we are doing what what Elphaba shared with her pal Glinda in Wicked- “Defying Gravity.” When we don’t move, our bones and muscles are becoming weaker. Pffft!


The Only Brittle I Know is Peanut

A little Fiercely50ish science lesson here. I’m all for simplicity in understanding how things work. So, here goes. The body’s bones are always changing. One of the ways it does this is adding and taking away calcium to and from your bones.  Believe it or not, women’s bones are smaller and thinner from men, from the time we popped out of the womb. The challenge as we add birthdays,  we are losing more than we are adding. And, (yes, there’s more) menopause starts depleting the coveted hormone, estrogen which is a bone protector. (Speaking of protectors, so much science here I feel as if I need to adorn a pocket protector). All of this leads to osteoporosis that according to recent studies affects 10 million Americans, and 80% of them are women!

It’s Not Just Dumb Bells

Remember, when I said, “Start from where you are?” This applies to strength training. And, lucky you, there are options to get started. Have you seen the resistance bands? They are colorful plastic bands, think rubber bands for a giant. I stole mine from my husband’s at-home physical therapy routine when he was healing from shoulder surgery. You can get them anywhere.

Using our body weight is a perfect start to getting stronger bones. It’s simple.  Try sitting down and getting up from a chair many times is a strength building activity.

Jumping is also another great strength builder. Perhaps incorporate this move when you Dance Like Everybody’s Watching routine?

Let’s start strengthening our bones today!



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