
I’m 59 and Still Wear Jeans

Grrrrrrrrrr…there’s a crazy survey conducted in the UK  that assigns the maximum age to wear jeans.  Did you read what they are saying? They say it is 53!  Nope, I am afraid I don’t agree. I am 59 and still wear jeans!  How Old Are the People Conducting the Survey? So, that’s my first question; […] Read more…

Starting Over

Fitness is an important part of the Fiercely50ish community. For some, it may be something you are committing to for the first time, or, are starting over after a long time. It’s ok! I’m here to tell you starting over can be fun! In our world of impatience, we expect results yesterday. Let’s re-frame and […] Read more…

Five Ways to Find and Keep Motivation!

Where do you find inspiration to workout?  Today we are going to learn some simple and fun ways to find and keep motivation! Are you ready? I will share with you that most days I love to exercise. It improves my psyche, strengthens my body and my overall well-being. And, there are those days where […] Read more…

Getting Dressed, Getting Fit

We all have excuses for not working out. You must believe me when I tell you that  I was the best excuse maker that ever lived.  One of my biggest reasons preventing me from achieving my fitness goals was that I didn’t have the right clothes. I couldn’t possibly fit in! Nonsense! Today’s blog is […] Read more…

We Can Do…Anything!

You do know that we can do anything, right? Let’s take a hard look at your motivation? Is getting and staying motivated having a bad day, week, month?  Let’s focus on what we can do!  You do know that WE CAN DO ANYTHING!   Always Positive! As you know, the only silver word in my […] Read more…