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Welcome, Classic Fashion Persona!

Here’s a quick visual of what a Classic Fashion Persona looks like!

What You Like

Simple and timeless are the adjectives that come to mind when describing the Classic Fashion Persona. You like clothes that are cut from fine fabric and are tailored. The Classic Fashion Persona lives for and loves tradition.

In fact, you may still have a copy Lisa Birnbach’s The Official Preppy Handbook.

Matchy, Matchy

You tend to like your colors, fabrics, shoes, purses and other accessories to all match. The latest trends on the runways in Paris and New York are not your jam. Loud, bold prints are not in your closet.  But, that’s ok, because your look is timeless and will definitely be noticed for how put together you are. Nice job!

What’s in Your Closet

The neutral color palette fills the Classic Fashion Persona’s closets. As stated earlier, you prefer solid hues and we probably won’t find many prints on your hangers. Chances are you have more dresses and skirts than pants, which  is no surprise. Here’s another factoid of the Classic Fashion Persona- you love blazers.

Clothes are an Investment

The Classic Fashion Persona takes your wardrobe seriously and isn’t afraid to drop some major dollars when shopping. Your clothes have a long shelf-life (that’s the tradition showing up) and you want the best quality and fit. Speaking of fit, the Classic Fashion Persona probably has a personal tailor. After all, clothes are meant to fit properly.

Where to Shop

The Classic Fashion Persona frequents the following stores:


Banana Republic

J Crew

Staples for the Classic Fashion Persona

The classic fashion persona really loves:

  • Oversized Sunglasses
  • Blazers
  • Ballet Flats
  • Pearl Necklaces (and bracelets)
  • White Blouse 
  • Plaid Shirts
  • V-Neck Sweaters
  • Classic Gold or Silver Jewelry
  • Leather Handbag

We will go into the classic fashion persona in more detail. Knowing what you love as a Classic Fashion Persona is a great start! You can be proud of your traditional wardrobe. You feel your very best in tailored clothes.  We will learn how to incorporate other fashion trends into your matchy, matchy closet!



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