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Purses, Purses, Purses

What is it about a woman’s purse? I have been obsessed with purses forever. When most prepubescent girls were relentlessly campaigning to wear makeup in Junior High (again, translation for the under 45 people, MIDDLE SCHOOL), I was begging, pleading to carry a purse.

Looking back I really had nothing to put into a purse. I couldn’t drive so keys had no place in my purse. I was allowed to wear Bonnie Bell Lip Smackers, so I could put that in there. When I finally did start MEN-U-STRATING I could put the tools to deal with that nonsense in my purse, but at that time, they were the size of canoes and didn’t easily fit into a teenager’s tiny purse.

I love everything about a purse. The color. The look. The feel. I love purses more than shoes. Yes, I said that I love purses more than shoes.


My Purse and I go Way Back

Besides my family, my purses and I have enjoyed a long relationship. In fact, the relationships I have had with my purse are some of my best. Haven’t our purses been there for almost every monumental event? First dates, marriage, kids, divorces, deaths, good news, bad news.  They don’t talk back, they always look good. They love to be paired with great outfits.  What’s wrong with that?

My purse is usually nearby, always. Is yours?

She Ain’t Heavy; She’s My Purse

I’ve heard so many complain that they carry the weight of the world, but I don’t believe that. Purses truly carry the weight of the world, or at least mine does.

The contents of my purse vary depending upon the season, and time of my life. The weight of my purse has far exceeded some of the weights that I lift. Thanks to my purse I learned how to lift with my legs and not my back.

There have been some instances when I travel, TSA have asked if perhaps I should check my purse because it may have exceeded the weight and size of the approved carry-on. Puhlllllllllleeeeze.  I think that may have been the last time that gentleman asked that question.

My purse could have changed my life. Had I been in the studio audience of “Let’s Make A Deal” with the late Monty Hall, I’m convinced I would have been had about anything he had asked for and could have won some terrific prizes.

Purses with Benefits

Besides their beauty and companionship, purses do have benefits.

The only way to render my husband absolutely and completely speechless is to tell him to look in my purse when is asking the whereabouts of a particular object. Utter silence. I have also seen a glimpse of fear in his eyes. Believe me, some days I do use this to my advantage. Ssssshhhhhh.

And, how many times have we brought out a purse and found some M-O-N-E-Y?? Best feeling ever.

What’s your purse story?




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