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You do know that we can do anything, right?

Let’s take a hard look at your motivation? Is getting and staying motivated having a bad day, week, month?  Let’s focus on what we can do!  You do know that WE CAN DO ANYTHING!


Always Positive!

As you know, the only silver word in my vocabulary is SILVER LINING! And, Firecely50ish peeps, THERE IS ALWAYS A SILVER LINING!!!

I cannot help to be positive; it’s in my blood. Seriously. My blood type is B+!

So…let’s re-frame and get some clarity on what WE CAN DO!  It is easy!


Here Are 12 Things We Can Do:

  1. We can get off the couch.
  2. We can decide to move more today than we did yesterday.
  3. We can find our workout shoes.
  4. We can put on our workout shoes.
  5. We can open our door.
  6. We can commit to some type of movement for a minimum of five minutes.
  7. We can be proud of being positive.
  8. We can be an example for our partner, spouse, kids or anyone else we love.
  9. We can feel better.
  10. We can relax.
  11. We can breathe.
  12. We can celebrate that we can move.

It really is simple. What we can do resides in us, it truly does. Think about what we’ve accomplished to reach Fiercely50ish.

Opportunities Ahead!

Remember, each day is an opportunity to get it right. I am so passionate about fitness as an important part of  the whole Fiercely50ish culture, and I want you to be, too.

We know the many, many and I mean many benefits of exercising (links). Personally, I crave feeling good. When I feel good, my perspective changes, my resolve gets stronger and I find myself capable of so much. All of this contributes to feeling good!

Good quickly turns into better. Soon it is part of your daily routine, and the only way to feel strong and healthy. Sure there are days when you want to hole yourself up and do nothing, and believe me, I do that, too.

When we focus on what we can do, it helps put everything into perspective. Talk is talk, but when you believe what you have done and can do, the results are addicting. Who knew you could do such a perfect lunge?

There’s a reason your butt looks great in those jeans.




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