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Ugh! Do you dread this question? Is it worse than the other tired question, “What’s for dinner?”

I used to hate opening my closet door in the mornings before work, or even on the weekends, and be faced with the gloom and doom of creating an outfit.

Are you getting tired of the same clothes worn the same way? You know the drill, you rotate the same 2-3 pants, skirts and tops, yet you have a closet full of clothes that remain on their hangers, feeling neglected. In fact, I’m sure you may not even see them when you’re in what I call the “Stressed to Get Dressed Mode.”

Would You Like To Stop This Madness?

A Fiercely50ish Adult Temper Tantrum

Of course you would. It’s not fun and it really inhibits you embracing your true style.

I have created a very simple way to stop the stress of getting dressed. It is for all women no matter where you’re going or what you’re doing. The ABCs of Creating The Perfect Outfit Every Day is a fun and informative mini-course that teaches you how to put together great outfits for running errands, work and black-tie events.

And the best part is that most of the clothing and accessories you need for the ABCs are already hanging in your closet! No more neglecting the clothes that you already own!

In this mini-course you will receive:

  • Four Easy Lessons outlining each step to quick, easy outfits.
  • Downloadable Handbook, including links for visual samples and ideas for each step of the ABC formula.
  • Private Facebook Group Membership
  • 50% off my Personal Style Consultation (a $150 value) 

Oh, and did I mention it is only $37? Yes, you cannot even buy a pair of shoes on sale for that price.

Isn’t it Time to Stop Being Invisible?

We have the power to attract positivity through what we wear- EVERY. DAY! For many of us-midlife women, we may feel that we are no longer relevant, needed or necessary. I am here to tell you different.

This mini-course is the first step to say GOODBYE TO INVISIBILITY AND HELLO TO CONFIDENCE! You will easily create outfits that reflect your style and look polished and effortless.

You will soon be walking tall with your shoulders back and your head high as you love what you wear from casual to fancy.

Imagine getting excited about getting dressed again? You will anxiously open your closet door each day knowing that you can create the perfect outfit EVERY. DAY!

I am excited for you to get started on The ABCs of Creating The Perfect Outfit Every Day!


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