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Fiercely50ish friends, I want to make a proclamation- You deserve the best!  How does this happen? Keep reading.

Excuses, Excuses, Excuses!

Let’s take fitness. I hear from many of you that you are out of shape. You are not happy with this, and when I ask why that is, there are many excuses, I mean answers. Here are some:

I could go on, but it’s too much for me…I am a confidence creator.

Why do you think you shouldn’t be the best you can be?

So Many Options

Giving up, not trying or settling is never an option in the Fiercely50ish community. We haven’t landed here because we abandoned a dream or stopped pursuing a goal. We are in the prime of our lives, seriously.

Many of you may be empty-nesters and may be experiencing a whole new you. Some of you aren’t accustomed to being the host of your own talk show.  Well, welcome, you are the star!

If you don’t believe that you deserve that you shouldn’t be the best you can be, who will? I encourage you to use your outside voice and repeat that sentence so that the reverberation of these words will resonate.  Did you do it?

The Value of Value

Value is important

Today’s word is value.  When we value somebody or something we are showing respect. So, when we start a sentence with I’m too old, it’s too late, where is the value here? I don’t see it, do you?  And when we don’t value anything, what happens? Not much.

It’s easy to talk about what you should do. I think it’s more than that. My friend Melissa Langford, blogger extraordinaire of Blessed Simplicity has a phenomenal perspective on value, which is a perfect fit for what we are discussing today. Here’s what she has to say:

Your time needs to be worth something, not just for you, but for the people around you. When you place value on your time, and then give that time to someone, they understand that you are giving them something of great worth, which speaks to how much you value them. 

I LOVE THIS.  It certainly has changed how I manage and share my time.

What I want you to think about is the phrase, when you place value on your _____________. I encourage you to fill in your blank.

Let’s Get Started


So, let’s begin with where this blog started several hundred words ago- getting in shape! I believe that you value your health, right?  That was easy.

Here are some ways that you can get started:

  • Park further away from your end destination this week
  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator
  • Instead of turning on the television, take a walk
  • Do some jumping jacks
  • Ask your friends or family if you can be their guest at their favorite workout venue
  • Stretch
  • Do all of the above tomorrow

Value you!


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