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Today., let’s start out by taking a very quick quiz!

What is your most dreaded question?

  1. What’s for dinner?


2. What am I going to wear today, tomorrow, the rest of my life?

I told you it was quick.

If you answered 2, keep reading…there is help!

Remember, this is about Reinventing. Midlife. Don’t be afraid or anxious, just embrace the style you will soon find!

What is that you’re saying? “But I don’t have a style…”  Let’s flip this around! Say it out loud with me, “I have a style. I am committed to finding my style!” There, that wasn’t horrible, right?

What’s in Your Closet?

Oops, I thought I heard you say something else. “I have nothing to wear! ”  Oh, but you do. We just have to find it and let’s have a quick conversation about your closet.

I’m not a mind reader but I imagine your closet was like mine. Packed full of clothes that were:


  • The wrong size
  • The same color

  • The shelf-life of good fashion relevance has long expired

It is suggested that women should reinvent their style about every seven years.  I couldn’t agree more!  And, guess what, you really are reinventing and you may not know it, but don’t worry, I’m here to help.

No More Excuses!

Hold on, I hear some talk about finding your style….

  • I am not going to change anything until I do something about my weight
  • Who has time
  • Does it really matter

I am here to tell you different!


IT’S TIME TO MAKE A CHANGE!!!  Remember, we are Fiercely50ish and we are Reinventing. Midlife.


Let’s get going! I promise, this will be fun and easier than you think. You will be amazed by making some small, yet significant tweaks that will change-up and redefine your style!

Aren’t you excited? I am!

Let’s get to work.

Here’s are five quick way we can get you started to-

Reinventing. Your. Style.

  1. Get creative! Imagine yourself in some of the current fashions you are seeing. Rip pages out of a magazine (remember collages, now we call those vision boards).
  2. Take it one at a time! Dig deep in your current closet inventory and find a simple accessory such as a scarf, a colorful necklace, earrings or bracelet and add it to your next outfit.
  3.  Pay attention! When you are at work, having coffee, at the health club, the grocery store, look at what women are wearing. Become aware of what styles you are attracted to or not attracted to and keep a journal, plug it into your cell phone. Document what you see.
  4. Let yourself go….crazy! Think BIG. What have you always wanted to wear but for whatever reason, you haven’t allowed yourself to wear it out of the house.
  5. Go shopping in your own closet. The price is right and you’ll be amazed at what you will find!



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