
Focus at Fiercely50ish will help all of us achieve our goals.

#MeToo Movement is So Much More

In the fever pitch of the #MeToo movement, I am moved by the courage of women of all ages to have the confidence to come forward about the heinous behaviors of others. I am treading lightly here and have no intent to use this as a political platform, be self-righteous or invoke any ill-will. There […] Read more…

At Your Age

“At your Age.” I’m sure we have heard these words more than once.  I’m not sure about you, but I bristle when I hear others use the declarative phrase, “At your age.” I marvel at the psychic powers of others. I’m amazed by their commentaries, especially when they: Haven’t personally experienced what I have Know […] Read more…

Start From Where You Are

We want to be our best. Every. Day. To be our best, we have to put in a lot of work to make this happen. I love the possibilities of changing, improving, tweaking who we are. What is important in this process is to press pause and take a clear look at where you are, […] Read more…

Dance Like Everybody Is Watching!!!

Morning  My Beautiful Fiercely50ish  peeps! Or good afternoon or evening, depending on what time zone you’re in. Today I decided to dance like everybody is watching! My schedule today is pretty packed and I knew I wouldn’t be able to get to the gym today. So, guess what I just did? I put the timer […] Read more…

How do You Focus?

This word scares me because many times I feel that I don’t have focus.  When I try and define focus, it is the ability to concentrate on something, while singularly blocking everything else around you out.  How do you focus? But is that really the case? That may be focus for someone else and it […] Read more…

Insomnia, Can We Be Friends?

I hear you. Insomnia is not a friendship that I am interested in nurturing. But I am here to let you know that insomnia can be our friend if we let her in our inner circle!  So I am asking, insomnia, can we be friends (kind of like are you saying yes to the dress)? […] Read more…

Six Tips for Keeping Your Weight in Check

Bad News, Good News! Hello. I’m sorry to tell you there’s no magic cure to lose or maintain weight. As I’ve shared with you all in previous posts, I have been worried, concerned, obsessed with my weight since the third grade.  It’s been a challenge until about 50. I’m not certain as to exactly what […] Read more…

Who is on Your Board of Trust-EASE?

Who is on Your Board of Trust-EASE? So, being Fiercely50ish does have its benefits. What’s important seems to be so much clearer now than it ever was or has been. The what has certainly shifted over the decades, but what matters now is the clarity. At this stage, clarity has presented ease. Don’t we all crave […] Read more…

What Are You Gonna Do About It?

As Fiercely50ish, I know that part of resolution, clarity and maintaining positivity in my life, is to continue to ask the question, “What are you gonna do about it?” I’m not sure about the rest of you, but I can get stuck, or more like frozen with fear as to how to move through a […] Read more…

Moving out of the Land of Hurry-Up

I don’t want to live in the Land of Hurry-up any longer. In fact, I am moving out of the land of hurry-up. We live in a world of hurry-up.  Let’s have a quick meeting. I only have 10 minutes for a phone call, so let’s make this fast. Can you hurry to get this […] Read more…

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