
Focus at Fiercely50ish will help all of us achieve our goals.

We Are The Oldest We’ve Ever Been

Think About It… A friend and I were having lunch. She is 20 years younger than I am. Age came up in the conversation. We were sharing our perspectives on where we were in our lives, accomplishments, etc., and she said something that made complete and total sense,”I am the oldest I’ve ever been.” I […] Read more…

Dust Settles, We Don’t

  Settling Stops Here It started at a young age. We were told to ‘settle down’ by parents, teachers and others who may have thought our behaviors were not becoming in a specific situation. THIS JUST IN!  Dust settles, we don’t.   What do I mean by this? It’s simple; we don’t accept this ageism […] Read more…

Happy 20!

Happy 20! Happy 20th wedding anniversary to my husband. I recently read that if couples can make it to 20 years of marriage, they are happier and spend more time in shared activities-more than newlyweds.  WOW! I am so looking forward to this next year! As I have shared in previous blogs, he is my first […] Read more…

Fill In Your Blanks

Who Loves a Test? When taking tests do you prefer multiple choice; essays; or fill-in-the-blank? I’m an anomaly because I like them all. IRL (this is my new favorite acronym) and it means In Real Life, we don’t always have the opportunity for multiple choice or essays. Yet, the fill-in-the-blank option is something we can […] Read more…

Momma, Momma

Happy Mother’s Day! Mothers are my heroes. You are to be put on a pedestal every day of the year. And, may your official day be full of what makes you happy. Stepmothering 101 When I met my future husband, he came with a dog and a son. The dog left us. My stepson wanted […] Read more…

D-R-Y Has Many Meanings

The word dry has become a four-letter word in my life. It wasn’t always like this. Now, dry has so many meanings. SPOILER ALERT: Today’s blog will contain the words, VAGINA, SANDPAPER, and SEX.  No worries if this isn’t your thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang, just wanted full disclosure on today’s topic.   I thought I had been relatively […] Read more…

Fiercely Confident!

“You is Kind. You is Smart. You is Important.” Who doesn’t remember that from the film, “The Help?” All of us need to be reminded of this at any age.   Oh boy, (why isn’t it oh girl)? Here I am schooling my Fiercely50ish peeps about confidence and my mind is racing with self-doubt and […] Read more…

I No Longer Wear My Shoulders as Earrings

Hello, Fiercely50ish peeps! Sometimes it takes me awhile to grasp concepts. And in the process, I torture many with my incessant questions. Hey, as a writer I need to understand topics front to back, back to front, the short, middle and long version. And, how does one do that? Asking questions. Do you agree? See, […] Read more…

The Only Thing Coddled is an Egg In Our House

Are you married? I am.   Marital Bliss My husband and I went to high school together (although he’s a bit older) and connected many decades later. We could’ve been one of those couples that Oprah interviewed about unconventional ways to finding true love. I am his second wife. He is my first husband. When […] Read more…

Why Can’t I Stop Crying?

Damn you, menopause! I looked forward to you since I was 14, the age I began MEN-u-strating… Yes, I was a late bloomer. I was almost in high school before I got my period. Remember back then it was such a badge of honor…the whispering among the various groups in junior high (today’s translation-Middle School) […] Read more…

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