The Purse

Purses, Purses, Purses What is it about a woman’s purse? I have been obsessed with purses forever. When most prepubescent girls were relentlessly campaigning to wear makeup in Junior High (again, translation for the under 45 people, MIDDLE SCHOOL), I was begging, pleading to carry a purse. Looking back I really had nothing to put […] Read more…

10 Fiercely50ish Easy Ways to Be Healthy

Hello! In our quest to live a healthy life, we spend a lot of money and time searching for a magic cure. I will admit there are a lot of temporary fixes, but none of them are magic or sustainable. Our world now demands immediate results. Sorry, our bodies aren’t an app we can download […] Read more…

Believe You Should Be The Best You Can Be!

Fiercely50ish friends, I want to make a proclamation- You deserve the best!  How does this happen? Keep reading. Excuses, Excuses, Excuses! Let’s take fitness. I hear from many of you that you are out of shape. You are not happy with this, and when I ask why that is, there are many excuses, I mean […] Read more…

Making Up with Makeup

Makeup Obsession I have been obsessed with makeup since I walked into a Merle Norman studio with some of my 13- year-old soon-to-be makeup junkies for our very first ‘makeover.’ We were hooked. In fact, we were so hooked that the makeup artists (that’s what we called them, I promise) had to limit our visits. […] Read more…

Fiercely Confident!

“You is Kind. You is Smart. You is Important.” Who doesn’t remember that from the film, “The Help?” All of us need to be reminded of this at any age.   Oh boy, (why isn’t it oh girl)? Here I am schooling my Fiercely50ish peeps about confidence and my mind is racing with self-doubt and […] Read more…

Five Exercise Rules

Hello, Fiercely50ish peeps! Rule Followers Unite Are you a rule follower? Sometimes I am. It depends what it is.   I have learned that there are fitness rules that should really be followed. They will help you: Become and stay strong(er) Reduce pain and possibly injury Perfect your form. If you’re not a rule follower, […] Read more…

I No Longer Wear My Shoulders as Earrings

Hello, Fiercely50ish peeps! Sometimes it takes me awhile to grasp concepts. And in the process, I torture many with my incessant questions. Hey, as a writer I need to understand topics front to back, back to front, the short, middle and long version. And, how does one do that? Asking questions. Do you agree? See, […] Read more…

The Only Thing Coddled is an Egg In Our House

Are you married? I am.   Marital Bliss My husband and I went to high school together (although he’s a bit older) and connected many decades later. We could’ve been one of those couples that Oprah interviewed about unconventional ways to finding true love. I am his second wife. He is my first husband. When […] Read more…

Why Can’t I Stop Crying?

Damn you, menopause! I looked forward to you since I was 14, the age I began MEN-u-strating… Yes, I was a late bloomer. I was almost in high school before I got my period. Remember back then it was such a badge of honor…the whispering among the various groups in junior high (today’s translation-Middle School) […] Read more…

The Natural Fashion Persona Up Close and Personal

The Natural Fashion Persona Here’s a quick look at the Natural Fashion Persona   Just as you’d imagine, the natural fashion persona is the girl next door. You are your best when you”re wearing comfortable clothes that require little to no maintenance. You are confident in your own skin. What You Like You prefer the […] Read more…

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